
About the Blog

Do you ever wonder what the differences are between a book and its movie or T.V. adaptation? Do you complain to whoever will listen that the movie version cut your favorite scene and you don’t understand why? Do you wonder if there were really this many sex scenes in the novel? Or do you just want to act like you’ve definitely read all of George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series and totally know how it differs from the show without actually having to read thousands of pages? If you answered yes to any of the above, you’re in the right place. (But you really should read A Song of Ice and Fire … I promise it’s really good.)

Did They Write It Like That is a blog run by a former English major who loves to dissect the differences between an original text and its modern media adaptation. I write scene-by-scene and character-by-character analyses of popular novels and their big-screen (or small-screen) adaptation.

I try to update every other week, but occasionally life gets in the way and foils my plans. Once a month I’ll post a movie adaptation post as those tend to be longer than the episode-by-episode T.V. adaptation posts.

About the Author


I studied English and Political Science in undergrad before going on to get my master’s in international relations with a focus on Russia. I now work in development for a D.C. think tank.

I have a bad habit of reading at least four books at the same time, have a weird obsession with Duolingo, and am an aspiring author.